Inspired Travel: Lake Hillier

by  Morgan Goldberg | Aug 22, 2013
Lake Hillier, Western Australia
Lake Hillier, Western Australia / roboriginal/iStock

Defying scientific explanation, the waters of Lake Hillier are distinctly rose-pink. Located on Middle Island, the largest of the islands that compose the Recherche Archipelago in Western Australia, the lake's beautiful pink color is neither a reflection of the floor of the lake, like many colored lakes and rivers, nor influenced by the dye of organisms and bacteria. The pink hue is permanent, even when placed in a container. Almost 2,000 feet long, the lake and its bubblegum hue can be seen clearly by air passengers flying above it.

How to see it: The only way for you to see this pink lake is from the air. Esperance Helitours offers a two-hour helicopter tour  to view the lake, which takes off from Esperance, the closest town, and costs about $2,000.

If you want to swim in a pink lake: Try a different lake named Pink Lake, located just outside of Esperance. Unfortunately, though, this lake is only pink-colored under certain ecological conditions; not permanently.

More pink lakes: If you're fascinated by pink lakes like we are, check out Lake Natron in Tanzania and Lake Retba in Senegal.

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