Awkward Vacation Photos

by  Amanda Black | Apr 10, 2013
Family photo
Family photo / Tomwang112/iStock

Awkward people, poses, and situations. Sit back and enjoy as we bring you awkward travel photos every week!

Niagara, then and now

I guess not much changes. The mom and dad on the left didn't really communicate the message to the kids that they should look scared – not depressed – in the photo. The family on the right does a slightly better job at the task.

Splash time

This photo really proves that timing is everything.

Mascot madness

One might say these two depictions show the normal and abnormal reactions when children see people dressed up as animals, candies, and anything in between. But is there really normal when we're talking about a banjo-playing reptile?

Typical tourists

Do you think they went a little overboard with the "traditional" garb? The dad even took his shirt off...


There must be something about their family vacation that made these parents feel it was necessary to put their kids lives at risk for the sake of a photo op.

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