Azamara Develops Lectures With World Wildlife Fund

by  Kayla Becker | Sep 16, 2016
Siberian Tiger
Siberian Tiger / iStock / MarkMalkinsonPhotography

Azamara is expanding their partnership with the World Wildlife Fund with a guest speaker series starting this fall. The series will bring experts on board Azamara Journey and Azamara Quest on select sailing from November to March, with lectures focusing on wildlife and ocean conservation as well as sustainable practices.

The six WWF experts included in the series study everything from Asian tigers and elephants to marine turtles and humpback whales as well as climate change, with lectures tailored to the destination. For example, a cruise through India will feature an expert on Asian animals while the Southern Caribbean itinerary will host an expert on coral reefs and sea turtles. Other cruises will visit Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, and Costa Rica.

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