Continental Kids' Mix-Up – Twice in One Week

by  Dan Masopust | Jun 18, 2009
Continental Airlines plane
Continental Airlines plane / icholakov/iStock

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Continental Airlines is under scrutiny after placing two unaccompanied minors on wrong flights on back to back days earlier this week. On June 13, 8-year-old Taylor Williams was supposed to visit her father in Charlotte, N.C. from Houston – instead she landed in Fayetteville, Ark. The next day, Miriam Kamens, 10, wound up in Newark while her parents thought she was on a Boston-to-Cleveland flight to visit her grandparents.

Both children were flying ExpressJet, which is under contract with Continental. The Houston-based airline claimed both mishaps were caused by employee miscommunication when two flights were departing simultaneously from one doorway. Continental has since assured customers and the distressed parents alike that they have taken steps to reinforce their unaccompanied minors system. Both families have been reimbursed the $75 unaccompanied minor fee – but certainly haven't been given back their peace of mind when it comes to their children flying alone in the future.

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