Exclusive Cottage Stay & Sonoma County Wine Tour from $399

by  Andrew Skwarek | Feb 19, 2010
Vineyard in Sonoma
Vineyard in Sonoma / latypova/iStock

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Mention Sonoma County, California to anyone and chances are they’ll immediately conjure up images of charming vineyards set amid gently rolling hills in the countryside – sheer bliss for wine enthusiasts and romantics. But, why daydream about this alluring destination when you can experience it first-hand without losing your shirt. All Seasons a Suites is offering ShermansTravel.com readers a sensational exclusive wine tour deal for just $399! That’s a savings of over $150!

Valid until April 30, this ultimate wine-lover package includes the following:

•    A one-night stay in a traditional two-bedroom cottage
•    One complimentary bottle of Dry Valley Camellia Cellars First Kiss Wine
•    An escorted two-hour wine tasting tour for two in a vintage American Hot Rod

To make reservations, call 877-727-8182 or e-mail info@allseasonsvacationsuites.com and be sure to mention ShermansTravel.com.

About the Cottages: All Seasons Vacation Suites manages two quaint rental cottages – one in the town of Geyserville, and the other in Healdsburg. Both proffer fine linens, fully-equipped kitchens, WiFi compatibility, a washer and dryer, and patios with barbecues

About Sonoma County Wine Country: Located in northern California on the breathtaking Pacific Coast, this well-known area yields some of the country’s finest wine (and has the vineyards and vintners to prove it). Sonoma County is less than 30 miles from the congested streets of San Francisco, and offers visitors over 200 award-winning wineries, countless restaurants and shops, as well as many picturesque towns and villages that are chock-full of flavorful winemaking ingenuity.

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