New Jersey Father’s Day Activities

by  Paul Eisenberg | Jun 10, 2013
Father and daughter
Father and daughter / digitalskillet/istock

It’s no secret that New Jersey has grit. Post Hurricane Sandy, the Garden State is indeed stronger than the storm and is resolutely opening its beaches. The state is also doing whatever it takes to lure travelers with an aggressive schedule of events, including several over Father’s Day weekend.

Whatever the dads in your life are into – be it pounding french fries, swaying to the Chairman, or running through mud for a cause – you can count on Jersey to deliver an activity that packs appeal. Here now, a few favorites.

For the dad who loves Frank: Sinatra Idol, Hoboken NJ; Thursday, June 13; Free Admission
At least 15 contestants partake in this singing competition yielding prizes for the best Sinatra Style vocalist. The event takes place in the Sinatra Park Amphitheater on Frank Sinatra Drive, among the subtle reminders that Hoboken is proud to be the Chairman’s birthplace.

For the dad who enjoys getting dirty for a cause: First Annual Six Flags Great Adventure Survival Race, Jackson, NJ; Saturday, June 15; Admission: $129
Now in its third year, the 5K Survival Race (which is held in other states as well) requires you to run and crawl through mud, but the race is fun, family-friendly (kids as young as 9 years-old may partake), and over in about 40 minutes. The first year to stop at Six Flags, the race admission ticket is grouped with access to either Great Adventure or Hurricane Harbor water park once you're finished!

If you do the race, be sure to bring a change of sneakers, as The Max Cure Foundation will be at the finish line collecting muddy sneakers: For every pair it collects, the foundation will donate money to families whose children are battling pediatric cancer.

For the dad who likes fries: Third Annual Curley’s Fry Eating Contest, The Wildwoods, NJ; Sunday, June 16; Free Admission
Whether you’re an amateur competitive eater or just enjoy the sight of grown men eating themselves silly, you’ll get your fill at Morey’s Piers & Beachfront Waterparks, whose contest determines how many one-pound buckets of Curley’s fries (not to be confused with curly fries) competitors can consume in five minutes. The reward for winning, other than potential digestive issues, is a grand prize of $500. The very good news, regardless of  your french fry intake: Admission to Morey’s rides and water parks is free to all dads on Father’s Day.

What are you doing for Father's Day?

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