Whether you just returned home from a long trip, a hard day at the office, or simply running some errands, nothing beats collapsing onto the couch to relax at home. There was a time when humans called caves home, and we sat on rocks or straw. Things have changed, however, and our modern bodies can't tolerate such hard surfaces. In the SkyMall Monday Tuesday headquarters, we kick it old school by reclining on stone floors and using logs as pillows. We understand, however, that such unyielding surfaces are not for everyone. If you're the kind of person who has evolved to enjoy soft cushions, then SkyMall has just the product to help you unwind after a busy day. The next time you want to put your feet up on your hard coffee table, make sure to put on your Kickrest Table Top Pillow.
There isn't much flesh in our heels to soften the blow when we place our feet on a table. Our prehistoric ancestors might not have minded such unforgiving surfaces, but modern man requires pampering. If you don't have space in your home for ottomans, - or find yourself philosophically opposed to pieces of furniture whose sole purpose is be touched by feet - then you need to wear your ottoman right on your person. It's the only logical solution to this devastating problem.
Think that socks are a suitable softening agent? Believe that people are becoming sissies? Well, while you walk across hot coals to get to your living room, we'll be reading the product description:
Turn your coffee table into a comfortable ottoman. The Kickrest keeps your feet warm and protects your furniture while you relax.
It features a detachable fleece hood, table-grip technology and a durable memory foam core.
One can only assume that NASA scrapped the space shuttle program to dedicate its resources to perfecting table-grip technology. Houston, we have comfort.
As always, it's easiest to understand SkyMall products through informational videos. So, kick back (comfortably), relax (on cushions), and enjoy your own personal wearable ottoman.
Can you kick it? Yes you can.
Check out more SkyMall Tuesday posts.