SkyMall Tuesday: Koozy Kaddy Drink Holder

by  Mike Barish | Sep 18, 2012
Shopping / Watcharin panyawutso/iStock

Football season is back and we couldn't be happier here at SkyMall Tuesday headquarters. Fall Sundays are all about football, junk food, and beer. There's simply nothing better than tailgating with friends before the game, grilling up some brats, and polishing off a case of the cold stuff before heading inside the stadium and using public bathrooms. However, the trouble with tailgating – and nearly any outdoor party – is figuring out where to put down your beer. You don't want to misplace it, allow it to get lost in the crowd of cans that everyone else has set down, or knocked over by some pesky child. Thankfully, SkyMall knows that your frosty beverage deserves a place of security. That's why, this week, we take a look at the totally useful and not at all ridiculous Koozy Kaddy.

People prefer to have their drinks resting waist-high. It reduces strain on the back, avoids undue stress on our joints, and just happens to be where our hands are when we put our arms down. Carrying tables around is difficult, so it's much easier to pack up some portable beverage stands.

Think that you can just hold your beer? Believe that there are any number of places in every environment where you could place your beer while you play catch, eat some ribs, or scratch yourself? Well, while you remotely locate your beer, we'll be reading the product description:

The Koozy Kaddy, with integrated scoring system, is a raised drink holder for both indoor and outdoor use. Two stand options are adaptable to all surfaces.

Bring the Koozy Kaddy to the beach, tailgating, camping -- anywhere.

If you're going to place your beer in a stand with a narrow stem, it damn well better be adaptable. And surely a scoring system that goes up to 21 will suffice when tracking the score of a football game. No football team has ever scored more than 21 points in a game.

It's imperative that you protect your beer like a running back protects the ball. Fumbles are costly, so be sure to treat your beer like you would your baby. Fall isn't about foliage. It's about football. So, place your beer in its ivory tower and enjoy the season.

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