Virgin America Launches Chicago Service to San Francisco, Los Angeles

by  Molly Fergus | May 25, 2011
Virgin Atlantic Airways tailfin
Virgin Atlantic Airways tailfin / EdithRum/iStock

This deal has expired, but be sure to check out our Top 25 deals of the week for savings on trips to destinations around the globe.

Richard Branson’s fashionable Virgin America has long been a Savvy Flyer favorite for its seatback on-demand TVs, comfy leather chairs, and premium drink selections (think Ghiradelli hot chocolate, Blue Moon, and Honest Tea). Our only complaint: The California-based airline should service more airports.

The airline took one step to remedy that today when it launched service from Chicago’s O’Hare Airport. For now, the routes head west daily from ORD to San Francisco (SFO) and Los Angeles (LAX), though we have our fingers crossed for East Coast connections in the future.

To celebrate, Virgin is slashing fares from Chicago to five cities, plus offering triple mileage points on Windy City flights. Travel is valid between June 1 and June 30 or August 24 and November 16, and you must book by May 31.

Sample One-Way Fares (taxes, fees, restrictions apply):

  • Chicago-San Francisco: $139
  • Chicago-Los Angeles: $139
  • Chicago-Las Vegas: $149
  • Chicago-San Diego: $149
  • Chicago-Seattle: $149

Plan to spend up to $20 in taxes each way; Friday and Sunday fares cost $20 more than weekday and Saturday tickets. To book, use our Travel Search price comparison tool.

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