Would You Pay to Skip Baggage Claim?

by  Amanda Black | Feb 27, 2013
Traveler with luggage
Traveler with luggage / champlifezy@gmail.com/iStock

United Airlines announced today that they are expanding their baggage delivery service by BagsVIP. The service (launched just a month ago) allows you to skip the hassle of baggage claim and instead have your bags delivered to your home, hotel, or final destination.

The service is only available to customers departing from domestic airports and arriving in one of 36 cities. Among them are Los Angeles, Miami, Seattle, and Boston.

Along with the announcement today, United also noted their plans of expansion to some other 190 domestic airports.

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The service will cost you, on top of the fees you're already paying to check bags in the first place! Your first bag delivery is $29.95 and the second goes up to $39.95. And if you're looking for delivery to destinations further away than 40 miles (the standard rate), you'll pay more for that (they only go up to 100 miles).

Sure baggage claim is annoying, but why not just check your bag if you're so flustered by it. You save money and time! So, would you pay to skip baggage claim?

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