Monarch Empress front lounge
Monarch Empress front lounge / Hans Heiligers
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Gate 1 Travel's Monarch Queen
Gate 1 Travel's Monarch Queen / Gate 1 Travel
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Monarch Empress suite cabin
Monarch Empress suite cabin / Hans Heiligers
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Monarch Empress dining room
Monarch Empress dining room / Hans Heiligers
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Monarch Empress front lounge
Monarch Empress front lounge / Hans Heiligers
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Monarch Baroness outside cabin
Monarch Baroness outside cabin / Gate 1 Travel
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Monarch Baroness sun deck with Jacuzzi
Monarch Baroness sun deck with Jacuzzi / Gate 1 Travel
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Monarch Baroness dining room
Monarch Baroness dining room / Gate 1 Travel
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Monarch Princess
Monarch Princess / Gate 1 Trave
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Monarch Princess dining room
Monarch Princess dining room / Gate 1 Travel
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Outside cabin on the Duchess Deck of the Monarch Queen
Outside cabin on the Duchess Deck of the Monarch Queen / Gate 1 Travel
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Monarch Queen lounge
Monarch Queen lounge / Gate 1 Travel
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Monarch Queen lounge
Monarch Queen lounge / Gate 1 Travel
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Monarch Queen top deck with hot tub
Monarch Queen top deck with hot tub / Gate 1 Travel
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Monarch Queen exterior deck
Monarch Queen exterior deck / Gate 1 Travel
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Gate 1 Travel

Our Review
Deal Expert / Travel Blogger

After years of privately chartering ships to sail on the world’s rivers, ubiquitous vacation packager Gate 1 Travel has gone a big step further — building and owning its own ship. The Monarch Empress debuted in 2016 when it joined its three chartered sister ships — the Monarch Queen, the Monarch Princess, and the Monarch Baroness — in the company’s fleet. Now, with these four ships sailing in Europe and plans to add a fifth in 2019, Gate 1 Travel is making a strong case for affordable, unpretentious river cruising. The company also sails a number of chartered ships in Asia.

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What We Love
It’s Affordable: Coming in at about two-thirds the cost of its major competitors, Gate 1 Travel’s river cruises — which take you to all the same ports and offer similar tours — are a bargain. In fact, air-inclusive prices with Gate 1 Travel tend to cost less than just the cruise on other lines.
It’s Laid-back: There are no formal nights, no didactic dress codes, and the staff is refreshingly personable. They're much more likely to share a joke or a personal anecdote than to fuss over the placement of your napkin.
You’re in Familiar Company: With a loyal following in the United States, the vast majority of cruisers on Gate 1 Travel’s ships are American. 
Best Known For
The Classics: Gate 1 Travel's bread-and-butter Europe itineraries on the Rhine, the Danube, the Main, and the rivers of Holland and Belgium offer a comfortable, stress-free way to get acquainted with river cruising.
A Deep Connection to Land Touring: Gate 1 Travel has more than 35 years of experience booking packaged land vacations. Want to add a weeklong guided land tour of Eastern Europe after your river cruise? You can book it seamlessly here. You’ll also notice that, thanks to this history, all of Gate 1 Travel’s in-port programming runs like clockwork. Buses and tours depart exactly on time or even early, and optional excursions (which can be booked for an extra fee) almost always have a worthwhile, free-to-join guided tour as an alternative.  
Seasonal and Last-Minute Deals: Gate 1 Travel offers some amazing discounts on its already well-priced cruises. Signing up for the email list is a good way to keep up with these. 
Who It's Best For
Older Couples: Retired couples from across the United States are sure to find like-minded companions onboard.
Newbies: If you’re just getting your feet wet with river cruising, Gate 1 Travel's ships are a good place to start. You’ll find that many cruisers onboard have transitioned to river cruising after years of joining Gate 1’s guided land tours. 
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Don't Say We Didn't Warn You
There's Less Downtime Than You'd Expect: Though a river cruise sounds leisurely, remember that Gate 1 Travel specializes in guided tours. The opportunities to join them on its river cruises are many; sometimes there are multiple offered in a single day. If you crave some independent wandering time, you’ll have to work — and curb your FOMO (fear of missing out) — to find it for yourself.
You'll Cruise in Comfort, Not Luxury: These cruises offer excellent value for the money, but if you're in search of cutting edge  design, Michelin-star cuisine,  or white-glove service, you may be disappointed here. 
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