What are mega ships really like?

by  Donna Heiderstadt | Sep 19, 2016

Cruise ships just keep getting bigger, with more and more mega ships launching that carry a dazzling array of attractions and entertainment options ... and thousands and thousands of passengers. While there's no true definition of what makes a ship "mega," these ships can accommodate more than 3,000 passengers — with the largest carrying more than 6,000 — while weighing in at more than 100,000 gross tons. Mega ships can be a bit intimidating thanks to their sheer size, and they aren't for everyone. If you are looking for a high-energy cruise, these ships do pack a lot of fun on board (which is to be expected on ships that are the length of three football fields). There are ways to avoid the crowds, though, while still taking advantage of all of the entertainment on board. Not sure if a mega ship is right for you? Here's what you need to know to find out if bigger really is better for your next cruise.

Harmony of the Seas / Royal Caribbean

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