Roman ruins of Leptis Magna
Roman ruins of Leptis Magna / iStock / kbros
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Roman ruins of Leptis Magna
Roman ruins of Leptis Magna / iStock / johncopland
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Medina / iStock / batuhanozdel
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Souq al-Mushir
Souq al-Mushir / iStock / cinoby
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Tripoli, Libya

Our Review
Deal Expert / Travel Blogger

While Tripoli retains some gorgeous ancient Roman architecture and is home to a spectacular national museum, it is not currently on any cruise line itineraries. On July 26, 2014, the U.S. Embassy suspended all embassy operations in Libya due to ongoing violence between Libyan militias. The security situation in Libya, including the capital of Tripoli, remains unstable. As a result, the Department of State warns U.S. citizens against all travel to Libya and all major cruise lines have pulled out of the port indefinitely.