Temple of Dakka
Temple of Dakka / Dennis Jarvis
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Wadi El-Sebua, Egypt

Our Review
Deal Expert / Travel Blogger

Wadi el-Sebua (or Valley of the Lions) is the site of three temples, which were moved to their present location in 1964 to avoid the flooding caused by the Aswan High Dam project. The main attraction is Wadi el-Sebua Temple, which was built by Amenhotep III and restored by Ramses II. Situated off Lake Nasser and often part of a Nile River cruise, the scenic and remote area is reached by tender boat.

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What We Love

Spectacular Vistas: Here, you'll stumble across breathtaking views at every turn, especially once you scale to higher ground. The temples sit between Lake Nasser and the edge of the vast, arid Western Desert. Check out Wadi el-Sebua's entry corridor, flanked by lion-headed sphinxes. 

Best Known For

Ancient Temples: This port stop hits three temples, with a short walk or donkey cart ride connecting Wadi el-Sebua to the hilltop location of the other two sanctuaries: the Temple of Dakka, dedicated to the ibis-headed god of wisdom, and the Greco-Roman Temple of Meharakka.

Who It's Best For

Amateur Egyptologists, Nature Lovers: There's nothing more mystical and breathtaking than the contrast of these magnificent ancient structures against the desert surrounds. 

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Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

It's Hot and Buggy: Wadi el-Sebua is swarming with pesky insects. Bring bug spray and a scarf to cover your mouth and nose. Plus, don't forget the hat, scarf, and sunblock to guard against the sun. 

Be on the Lookout for Crocodiles: Supposedly, there are around 40,000 of them in Lake Nasser, though it's rare that they surface and scare tourists.

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