Warnemunde / iStock / SeanPavonePhoto
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Rostock / iStock / SeanPavonePhoto
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Warnemünde, Germany

Our Review
Deal Expert / Travel Blogger

Warnemünde, Germany is the prettiest German town you’ve never heard of. It frequently serves Baltic cruises as the gateway to nearby Berlin. However, if you don’t fancy the train journey to the German capital, Warnemünde offers a number of great diversions — including one of Germany’s most impressive beaches, which has sandy shores that stretch for miles. 

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What We Love

The Warnemünde Lighthouse and Teepott: Two of the town’s most iconic sights, the Warnemünde Lighthouse is situated in the center of town, overlooking the Baltic Sea. It was completed in 1898 and rises to a height of 121 feet, all of which can be climbed for a small entry fee. Next door: the Teepott, a uniquely shaped building that doubles as a restaurant and café (as well as the town's best photo opp).

Strollable Streets: From the cruise piers, everything is within easy walking distance, including the plethora of restaurants, bars, and shops that line pretty promenades and cobbled streets. The town even has a few Amsterdam-esque canals that are crossed by cobblestone bridges, and a small ferry to whisk passengers from one side of town to another.

Best Known For

Gateway to Berlin: As beautiful as Warnemünde is on its own, the fact remains that the majority of ships dock here because of its ease-of-access to Berlin, both by rail and by motorcoach. However, the journey to Berlin is long (2.5 to 3 hours) and most excursions will take up your entire day, leaving little time to explore the charming town of Warnemünde.

Who It's Best For

Culture and History Buffs: History lovers will appreciate Warnemünde's relatively untouched appearance, while culture mavens will love the town’s quintessentially North German style and atmosphere, which remains very different from that in other parts of the country.

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Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

Credit Cards Aren’t Always Accepted: Maybe it was just our luck, but we found many shops, bars and restaurants didn’t accept credit cards. Carry some Euros, or withdraw some from an ATM, before you start exploring.

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