12 Must-Visit Aquariums Across the U.S.

by  Christina Garofalo | Feb 7, 2019

From sub-aquatic tunnels with sharks swooshing by, to close encounters with near-extinct sea creatures, these U.S. aquariums have no shortage of amusements to amaze visitors of all ages.

Monterey Bay Aquarium / dannerb / iStock

Tennessee Aquarium
Photo: Tennessee Aquarium / Sean Pavone Photo / iStock

Tennessee Aquarium

The Tennessee Aquarium features many crowd-pleasers — from penguins and sharks to swirling neon jellyfish. But the River Journey is unique to Chattanooga. Here, you’ll trace sea life of the Tennessee River from its mountain source to the Mississippi Delta. Don’t miss Miguel, the aquarium’s electric eel, whose currents are translated into a popular Twitter feedAdmission starts at $34.95 for adults, $21.95 for children ages three through 12, and is free for children under three. 

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