5 of the Dirtiest Places on a Plane — and 5 Ways to Avoid Them

by  Laura Powell | Aug 3, 2020

Given the number of people sleeping, eating, and breathing on flights every day, it’s not surprising that airplane cabins have germs. And while right now airlines are taking extra precautions, it's good to be careful. Here, the dirtiest places on a plane and how to avoid them.

Airplane taking off / iStock/Jag_cz

Back seat pocket
Photo: Back seat pocket / iStock/K Neville

The Problem: The Seatback Pocket

Think about it. What do you put into a seatback pocket? Likely things like old water bottles, used tissues (ew!), and food wrappers. Seatback pockets are also the go-to repository for airsickness bags. That’s why you should think twice about using the pocket to store food or beverages. Also, realize that the stuff that’s already in there when you get on the plane (the magazine and safety instructions) may be riddled with bacteria, too.

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