7 Cheap Day Trips from Las Vegas

by  Teresa Bitler | May 21, 2020

Las Vegas has so much to offer that you could spend your entire trip exploring the city and still not come close to seeing and doing it all. In fact, there’s so much going on you may want a break. These seven cheap day trips from Las Vegas can help you recharge without breaking the bank.

Zion National Park / iStock / evenfh

Red Rock Canyon
Photo: Red Rock Canyon / iStock / Glenn Guinita

Red Rock Canyon

Just 40 minutes west of the city, Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area is 195,819 acres of red and buff rock formations populated by wild burros. Drive the 13-mile scenic drive, bike the paved roads, or hike one of 26 different trails. There are also designated mountain bike trails. Before you go, stop at the visitor center to see the desert tortoise habitats. The entrance fee is $15 per vehicle.

Read more: A Las Vegas Retreat Away from the Strip

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